IRCCS G.B Bietti

+39 0685356727

Via Livenza 3, 00198 Roma





Scientific Dir.

Dr.ssa M.Varano

The “IRCCS Foundation for the Study and Research G.B. Bietti in Ophthalmology ONLUS” was born in 1984 and funded by Prof. Giovan Battista Bietti’s fellows, with the aim of developing and reaching high standards of expertise and knowledge in the field of ophthalmology in sharing with the social community and the National Sanitary Service.
The fundamental purposes of the “IRCCS Fondazione per lo Studio e la Ricerca G.B. Bietti in Oftalmologia ONLUS” are implementing the scientific research activity of social impact in ophthalmology and promoting activities of research, study, resource and experimental testing in the realm of medicine, with the specific targets of healthcare, cutting edge technology for early diagnosis, and rehabilitation in ophthalmology.

The “IRCCS Fondazione per lo Studio e la Ricerca in Oftalmologia ONLUS” supports studies, activities and ventures on:
a) epidemiologic studies for identifying disease-causing mechanisms and primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare;
b) feasibility, reliability and efficacy studies for the different steps in healthcare;
c) physiopathological studies and clinical trials for scientific understanding on causative mechanisms of diseases, development of innovative diagnostic methods and surveillance on therapeutic approach;
d) medical translation of basic scientific research into applied bio-medical technology.

The research activities are conducted by four high specialized Units:
1) Glaucoma, Anterior Segment and Ocular Adnexa
2) Surgical and Medical Retina
3) Ocular Oncology and Toxicology
4) Neurophysiology of Vision and Neurophthalmology

The assistance and care activities are conducted by the Comprehensive Unit of Rehousing and Care at the Britannico Hospital, Via di S. Stefano Rotondo 6 in Rome, where are located the out-patient clinics of general ophthalmology and the cornea, glaucoma, neurophthalmology, medical retina, pediatric ophthalmology and vitreo- retina services run by 31 employed ophthalmologists and 12 orthoptists and ophthalmology assistants.